Prediction Market
Very fast options trading is possible through ARIES with contracts of 1 minute to 5 minutes providing a very fast prediction market.
Because of this, using Ethereum mainnet is not possible due to blocktimes and gas fees. ARIES will use xDAI Chain for the prediction market. xDai Chain is 100x faster and the gas fees are stable in the range of a few cents.
ARIES will have a UI for bridging AFI to xDaichain. Metamask will soon support xDaichain as a default network.
There are 2 ways to use the prediction market:
1 - Holder
2 - Writer
Example: Holder predicts the price of ETH after 1 or 5 minutes, if the Holder places 1 AFI on the result and is correct, the Holder will receive 1.85 AFI, and the Writer will lose 1 AFI, and the house takes 0.15 AFI as a fee.
If the Holder is incorrect, the Holder loses their 1 AFI, the Writer will gain 0.85 AFI and the platform receives 0.15 AFI. The fees will be placed in an insurance fund for use in the case that the writer pool funds are insufficient for payouts.
Last updated
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